At Qapital, we’re all about automating finances to help you reach your goals. With our new Payday Divvy feature, you can automate payday and set the right amount aside for savings, investments, and everyday spending – the moment you get paid.
And to boost your savings even further, our fun, creative Rules trigger smaller amounts of money that stack up in your Qapital savings account. They put you in control of how and when you save the extras.
Here’s a quick guide:

Set and Forget: Just set the app to automatically deposit money into your Qapital savings account once a week. Start with just $10 a week and see if you even miss it.
The Round Up Rule: Our most popular rule. Qapital users save an average of $44 a month, just by rounding up their change. Round up your change to the nearest $2 or $3 and watch it add up faster.
The Guilty Pleasure Rule: We all need our morning coffee. Don’t cut it out, activate the Guilty Pleasure Rule and save money every time you buy your iced with skim or double shot of espresso. You can make any place a Guilty Pleasure – it’s up to you.
The Spend Less Rule: Do you always spend $50 at the supermarket? Set the Spend Less rule and then spend $40 the next time you shop. Viola! That $10 is automatically deposited in your Qapital savings account. It pays to come in under budget.
The Freelancer Rule: This simple solution helps freelancers and independent workers stay on top of their taxes and avoid trouble with the IRS. The Rule automatically transfers a percentage of every deposit over $100 into your FDIC-insured Qapital account.
The 52 Week Rule: What would you do with an extra $1,378 a year? Our 52 Week Rule automates the process of saving $1 on week one, $2 on week two, $3 on week three for an entire year.
Apple Health: Tie your personal fitness goals to your financial goals. Reward yourself with a buck or two of savings every time you walk, bike or run. You’ll feel twice as good when you finish your workout.
IFTTT: We’re the first personal finance app that let you save with IFTTT (If This Then That), the wondrous web service that’s been dubbed “digital duct tape.” IFTTT lets you link your Qapital account with many of your favorite mobile apps. You can save with a tweet, an Instagram post or when you hit your step goal with FitBit. Really!
The ways to save with Qapital are truly limitless.
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Qapital, LLC is not a bank; banking services provided by Lincoln Savings Bank, Member FDIC, and other partner banks. Advisory services provided by Qapital Invest, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. The information provided herein is for informational and general educational purposes only and is not investment or financial advice. Copyright © 2023 Qapital, LLC - All rights reserved.